Galesburg Library Kids

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dora the Explorer

70 children were thrilled to see Dora on Thurs. Nov. 16. They were able to get their picture with Dora as well as make a purple Dora backpack, a Dora bracelet, Dora & Diego paper dolls, and even sample some of Boots' favorite monkey bread.
We are fortunate to have a great volunteer sorority to lend a helping hand with our activity nights.

Service Dogs at the Library

Three service dogs visited the library on Friday, November 3. Max the police dog, Igmar the guide dog, and Bonnie the therapy dog showed off their talents. Their owners were happy to tell how valuable their dogs are to them.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

An "Awful" celebration to "The Awful End"

A Series of Unfortunate Events concluded with the 13th and last book, The Awful End, on Friday, October 13. To commemorate this "awful" ending, we had a famly activity night on Thursday Oct. 19. Several won books as doorprizes, and all had a "terrible" time with "miserable masquerade," "boring bingo," and "terrible trivia."